University of texas rio grande valley

Distinguished Artist Series: Julia Santos Solomon Exhibit

My intention at this point in my career is to mentor the next generation, and to encourage them to create a vision which they can follow, and to shoot for the top where I will await them.

The sheer joy of this project has been the support so readily given by so many wonderful people at The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley and the College of Fine Arts. I value community, education, and lifting others up. As a role model to the younger generation, I want to show them how to mine the gold within them. Thank you Provost Luis H. Zayas, PHD, and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley for sponsoring El Dorado_Despejado / El Dorado_Stripped, and getting me in front of your students.

UTRVG has invited me to do an exhibition in their Performing Arts Center which will be up for the academic school year from September, 2024 through April, 2025 which allows the students to interact with the artwork, instead of seeing it on a screen. In addition to an Artist Talk during the opening. I met with multiple classes in the College of Fine Arts, and we chatted about our shared roots. In April I return to do Art History lectures that will inform the students of their artistic heritage from Mexico, the Caribbean and Latin America. I will also meet with graduate students to discuss their transition outside of school. 

Please contact me through this website if you are interested in scheduling a mentoing event at your school.